Being a stay-at-home mom is a rewarding role, but there often comes a time when you want to contribute to the family’s finances without sacrificing precious moments with your children. Side hustles offer a flexible and empowering solution, allowing you to earn money while maintaining the essential balance of caring for your family. 

From virtual assisting and proofreading in the online realm to unleashing your creativity through crafts and photography, stay-at-home moms have a wealth of options to explore. 

In this article, we’ve curated the 16 finest side hustles perfectly tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of stay-at-home moms. Dive in and discover the ideal way to make your motherhood journey even more fulfilling.

16 Best Side Hustles For Stay-At-Home Moms

1. Virtual assistant

A virtual assistant (VA) is a versatile online professional who can handle various tasks, making it a perfect fit for stay-at-home moms. VAs manage emails, schedule meetings, conduct research, and provide writing or editing services.

The key advantage of this side hustle is flexibility; you can set your own hours and choose the services you want to offer. With the right skills and experience, VAs can earn well. However, there’s fierce competition in the industry, and newcomers may initially encounter low-paying gigs as they build their reputation.

Expect the potential for long work hours, especially on demanding projects. With determination and a diversified skill set, virtual assistance can be a rewarding and flexible way to make money from home.

2. Bookkeeper

A bookkeeper is a financial wizard who keeps track of a business’s financial transactions, ensuring everything adds up correctly. This side hustle is ideal for stay-at-home moms due to its high demand and job stability.

Bookkeepers handle tasks like payroll management, tax return filing, and reconciling bank accounts. Thanks to a plethora of user-friendly bookkeeping software, this job has become more accessible. However, be prepared for potentially long hours, especially if you serve larger businesses.

Keeping up with ever-changing regulations and compliance requirements can be challenging but essential. If you’re interested in exploring this opportunity, you can start by signing up for a 3-class introductory course from

3. Affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative side hustle that requires minimal upfront investment and offers flexibility for stay-at-home moms.

In this role, you promote products or services online and earn a commission or payment for leads generated through your referrals. You can choose various platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, blogs, or podcasts to showcase affiliate products. The advantage lies in its scalability – you can start small and expand as you gain experience.

However, there are challenges to consider. The affiliate marketing space is highly competitive, demanding a good grasp of digital marketing strategies. Patience is key as it may take time to see substantial returns. Additionally, earnings can be inconsistent, dependent on the success of your campaigns.

Despite these hurdles, with dedication and skill-building, affiliate marketing can provide a source of passive income that aligns with your schedule and family commitments.

Learn more: How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

4. Proofreader

Proofreading involves meticulously reviewing written content for errors before it’s published. This side hustle is an excellent fit for stay-at-home moms seeking flexibility and remote work. You can do it from home, set your own schedule, and there are no strict qualifications. Attention to detail is crucial, but you can choose from a variety of proofreading tasks and rates to align with your goals.

However, it’s important to note that the pay may start low for beginners, and some tasks can be tedious, especially if there are numerous errors to correct. Workloads can also vary, leading to inconsistent income. Despite these challenges, proofreading offers a flexible way to earn money while enjoying the comforts of home.

If you’re looking for similar opportunities, freelance writing is another path to consider, offering similar pros and cons.

5. Pet sitter

Pet sitting is a flexible and rewarding side hustle that can appeal to stay-at-home moms who love animals. As a pet sitter, you take care of pets while their owners are away, ensuring they are fed, entertained, and exercised. You can find pet-sitting opportunities through platforms like Rover and Wag.

The flexibility of this job is a significant advantage, as it allows you to work around your existing commitments and family life. You earn money through hourly or daily rates, and the tasks can vary depending on the specific pet and owner’s requirements.

However, there are downsides to consider. Pet sitting is often a short-term gig, and there may be periods of no work. Dealing with animals can be unpredictable, leading to potential safety risks and the possibility of damage to your personal property and home. Despite these challenges, pet sitting can be a fulfilling way to earn extra income while spending time with furry companions.

6. Surrogate

Becoming a surrogate is a unique opportunity for stay-at-home moms to earn generous financial compensation while contributing to a meaningful cause. As a surrogate, you carry and deliver a baby for another individual or couple, often working with a surrogacy agency.

While requirements vary, typically, you must be a U.S. resident, meet age criteria (usually between 21 to 40 years old), have a history of healthy pregnancies, and meet certain health guidelines.

The primary benefit is the financial reward, which includes a base compensation plus allowances for maternity expenses. This side hustle allows you to still care for your family while helping create a family for someone else. However, surrogacy is a long-term commitment that involves potential physical complications, and it can be emotionally taxing.

Nevertheless, for those who meet the qualifications and are prepared for the challenges, surrogacy offers a unique way to make a significant income while making a profound impact on others’ lives.

7. Graphic designer

If you’re a creative individual with graphic design skills, becoming a graphic designer can be a lucrative side hustle. Graphic designers create visual concepts, such as logos and posters, primarily for marketing purposes. You’ll need to be proficient in design software like Adobe Photoshop or Canva to excel in this field.

Graphic design offers a creative outlet and high earning potential due to the constant demand for design services. However, it’s worth noting that the graphic design market is competitive, making it challenging to stand out. If you’re new to the field, there’s a steep learning curve to master the necessary software and design principles. Some projects may require long hours and tight deadlines, which can be stressful.

Nevertheless, with the right skills and experience, graphic design can be a rewarding and flexible source of income.

8. Crafter

Crafting is a creative and fulfilling side hustle for stay-at-home moms. As a crafter, you’ll use materials like fabric, paper, wood, and more to handcraft jewelry, clothing, decorations, and other unique items. You can then sell your creations on online platforms such as Etsy or Amazon Handmade, or even set up your own online store with Shopify.

This hustle provides a creative outlet, allowing you to express yourself while earning extra income. It often comes with relatively low startup costs, making it accessible for those on a tight budget. However, it’s essential to note that the craft market can be highly competitive and saturated, and the demand for handmade products can be unpredictable.

Building a loyal customer base may take time, and crafting itself can be time-consuming, requiring patience and dedication to achieve your desired results. Consider offering printables like planners and educational materials to diversify your offerings.

9. Tutor

Tutoring is a fantastic side hustle for stay-at-home moms looking to earn money while leveraging their expertise. As a tutor, you’ll provide one-on-one instruction to students, covering a wide range of subjects from academics to languages or even music. The best part is that you can choose your specialization based on your passion and knowledge. Whether you excel in math, have a knack for teaching English as a second language, or are a music virtuoso, there’s a niche for you.

The pros of tutoring include the rewarding feeling of helping students succeed, the potential for a good income, and the flexibility to set your own schedule. However, it comes with challenges like dealing with difficult topics and students who may need extra patience. Time zone differences can also be a factor when working with international students. Depending on the tutoring platform, you might need to create lesson plans, so some preparation may be required.

Overall, tutoring offers a fulfilling way for stay-at-home moms to earn money from the comfort of their homes.

10. Survey taker

For a simple and flexible side gig, consider becoming a survey taker. This role entails providing your opinions and feedback on various subjects, often as part of market research studies.

The beauty of survey taking is that it doesn’t demand extensive qualifications, and you can complete surveys conveniently on your mobile device during your free time. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the workload can be inconsistent, as it depends on available survey opportunities.

Survey takers typically earn modest income, so if you’re looking for substantial earnings, this might not be the ideal choice. Additionally, you’ll need to be comfortable sharing some personal information to participate in these surveys.

11. Reseller

As a stay-at-home mom looking for a side hustle, reselling offers a straightforward and accessible option. This business involves purchasing items from other businesses, often at a lower price, adding value through marketing or packaging, and then selling them at a higher price on e-commerce platforms like eBay or Amazon.

It’s a low-risk way to start a small business as you don’t have to create new products from scratch. However, it comes with its challenges. Market demand can be unpredictable, impacting your profitability. There’s also the risk of not immediately recouping your initial investment. Additionally, as a reseller, you have less control over product quality, as you rely on third-party suppliers.

Nonetheless, with careful product selection, marketing strategies, and customer service, reselling can be a viable and flexible income source for stay-at-home moms. It’s easy to start and offers potential for growth over time.

12. Social media manager

As a stay-at-home mom, you can embark on a fulfilling side hustle as a social media manager. This role involves crafting and scheduling captivating content for brands’ social media platforms. You’ll analyze post performance and interact with customers on these platforms, all while enjoying the creative aspects of the job.

With numerous social media management tools available, handling multiple accounts becomes manageable. The earning potential in this field can be substantial. However, be prepared for the ever-evolving social media landscape and the potential workload that comes with managing several accounts, which can be time-consuming.

13. Transcriptionist

Transcription is an accessible side hustle that requires no strict qualifications, making it an excellent option for stay-at-home moms. As a transcriptionist, your main task is to listen to audio or video recordings and transcribe the content into written form. This transcription work can span various industries, including medical, legal, or business, and may even involve subtitling or captioning.

One of the advantages of transcription is its flexibility. You can typically choose your working hours, making it easier to balance with family responsibilities. However, it demands a high level of concentration and accuracy, as even small mistakes can be significant in legal or medical contexts. This can make the job time-consuming and mentally demanding.

Moreover, while transcription is a reliable source of income, it may not be as financially rewarding as some other side hustles. Nonetheless, it offers stay-at-home moms a way to earn money while working from home without the need for specific qualifications.

14. Photographer

If you possess photography skills and want to turn your passion into profit, consider becoming a home-based photographer. You can collaborate with small businesses to create compelling product photographs or set up a home studio for portrait photography.

Being a photographer offers a creative outlet and flexibility, as you set your own hours. However, success in this field requires more than just photography skills. You’ll need to market and promote your services, build a portfolio of work, and invest in photography equipment, which can be a significant initial cost. Additionally, the photography industry is competitive, with opportunities ranging from event photography to specialized niches.

While working from home offers independence, there are also numerous opportunities for photographers who cover events outside the home, such as weddings and special occasions. This can expand your clientele and income potential.

15. Child care provider

Providing child care is a practical option for stay-at-home moms to earn money while still caring for their own children. As a child care provider, you’ll supervise children when their parents are away, engaging in activities like meal preparation, playtime, and homework help.

One major advantage is that you can work from home, allowing you to care for your own kids simultaneously. There’s also the benefit of minimal disruption to your daily schedule. However, this side hustle demands patience, dedication, and responsibility.

It can be time-consuming to find suitable families to work with and to maintain positive relationships with both parents and children. Additionally, you may encounter varying parental expectations or requests that differ from what you typically do for your own kids.

Despite the challenges, the socialization opportunities for your children and the flexibility to work from home make child care an attractive option for many stay-at-home moms seeking to balance work and family life.

16. Search engine evaluator

A search engine evaluator is a flexible and accessible side hustle ideal for stay-at-home moms. In this role, you review and assess search engine results to ensure they’re accurate and relevant. It’s a short-term commitment, allowing you to work part-time or on one-off projects that fit your schedule. The best part? No prior experience is needed, making it great for remote work beginners.

However, there are some downsides to consider. The pay is typically lower compared to other side hustles, and the workload can be unpredictable, making it challenging to maintain a consistent income. Moreover, the industry is constantly evolving, requiring you to stay updated on the latest trends and search engine algorithm changes. To get started, you’ll need to pass specific qualification tests, which can be a hurdle for some.

Despite these challenges, if you’re looking for a remote job with minimal commitment and a flexible schedule, this could be a good fit.

These 16 side hustle ideas aren’t for you? Don’t worry. Just visit the Side Hustles Database to explore more options. To discover which side hustle suits your personality and goals, you can also take the side hustle quiz.

FAQs About Side Hustles for Stay-at-Home Moms

Q1: What are some ways stay-at-home moms can earn extra cash? 

A: Stay-at-home moms have diverse options to increase their earnings. You can delve into online jobs such as proofreading, transcription, or virtual assistance. If you’re creatively inclined, explore crafting or photography and sell your creations. 

Additionally, providing services like childcare or pet sitting can be lucrative. Don’t forget about affiliate marketing, where you earn commissions by promoting products. If you’re open to leaving home temporarily, consider ride-sharing with companies like Uber or handling food and grocery deliveries through platforms like DoorDash.

Q2: How do I choose the right side hustle as a stay-at-home mom? 

A: Select a side hustle that aligns with your skills, interests, and available time. Your choice should complement your lifestyle and financial goals, allowing you to balance your responsibilities as a parent while earning extra income.